Voucher offer
The classic voucher is well known and still popular. It can be redeemed for the entire offer to your heart’s content, so as a gift-giver you are guaranteed not to do anything wrong. But we know our daddy or best friend well – so the right adventure voucher is sure to be an absolute hit. This makes giving presents twice as much fun and the value paid becomes a completely trivial matter.
Introducing our voucher types
Together to the right offer
We are passionate about configuring and designing vouchers. We look forward to analysing your range of products and services in detail and to putting together an irresistible selection of vouchers together with you. Together, we discuss the different rates of an offer, voucher validity, seasonal prices, redemption instructions and much more. We set up all voucher offers for you. You can also make price, text and image adjustments for the online shop yourself at any time.
Voucher design
print@home layout
With e-guma, you have the option to use two different voucher layouts. The print@home layout comes into play when your customers select the print@home shipping method in the online shop. We design these vouchers on one side in A4 format so that home printers can still be used.
On-site layout
The second layout is intended for printing at your company. This layout is used when your customers choose postal dispatch in your online shop or when you accept voucher orders by phone, e-mail or directly on site. This layout may be a little more extravagant. Be it an elegant voucher cover with an insert page, a rechargeable gift card or a voucher in a postcard or business card format. There are no limits to your wishes. Welcome to voucher paradise.